Your news! Your way! Daily news delivered with stunning images and videos tuned to your taste.
With a simple & clutter free interface, a smart news discovery engine, we make news PRETTY and FUN. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, with a swipe of a finger, you are discovering the world in 24 hours.
24hours next generation smart news engine operates on the principle of allowing your interests and taste to attract news articles like a magnet. This happens seamlessly behind the app, inside of our news cloud. Your action is just swipe and enjoy the experience.
There is no editors, you set the priority of what you read.
Yes, we have a interface a toddler can operate and a back end written by PhDs.
Download and Experience the world in 24 hours. It is Free.
We have included following unique features:
• Your actions decide whats news for you.
• Smart notifications for your own breaking news
• Localized news in multiple countries and US metro areas.
• Autopilot that will turn pages for you
• Voice mode for the visually challenged
• Simple Social Sharing to Facebook, Pinterest ...
• Track clicks of your shares.